Welcome to the Badili Centre Website


On a day like this ten years ago(5th May 2010) I embarked on a journey of faith. I resigned from my work place to follow my dream of transforming lives.I had to do many things by myself when I started, I was the trainer, accountant, project officer all in one but I was determined to stay on course. My friends and family would complain how they never used to see much of me because I was always working even on Sundays!
I literally gave my heart and soul to this cause! Looking back I have no regrets whatsoever: Over 3,000 women and youth have been trained in Kenya, Ethiopia and Nigeria with many success stories! Won international awards and recognition but above all this journey has taught me invaluable lessons such as hard work, patience, sacrifice, commitment perseverance, how to love and give freely without expectations, real success is transforming the lives of others among other virtues.

I would like to extend my gratitude to all my 30 teachers and other staff, my long term friend Monicah Ruto who was my first staff and partner at Badili Centre.

My heartfelt gratitude to all the organizations and individuals who have supported this vision by giving, offering words of encouragement, moral support and prayers may God richly bless you!
Please take a few minutes to celebrate with us by watching this short video of about 6 minutes and get to see our journey this far. God bless you. Thank you.

Thank you our IT guys @ Badili Centre Ian Martin and Jens Bröcher for helping us come up with this video. Blessings!